Monday, April 20, 2015

Lucy and the grapefruit

She said she wanted the 'orange'. I explained that it wasn't an orange, but a grapefruit. 'Is it a lemon?' she asked--that's the known item, I suppose, that looks like an orange, but is the wrong color. Again, I explained that it was a grapefruit.

I really didn't think she'd like it. She watched with interest as I cut the sections so they could be scooped out with  a spoon. She listened as I explained that daddy liked sugar on his grapefruit, but I ate mine without. I was surprised that she wanted hers without sugar, and even more surprised that she really liked it. Sometimes she says she likes something, but doesn't want it just now. This seems to me a polite way of saying she doesn't actually like it. But she ate all the sections of the half grapefruit I prepared for her, and even wanted to try the juice.

It's hard to believe that she'll be four in less than two weeks. Seems like only a couple of weeks ago that I was writing 'Lucy doesn't crawl'; now she runs and jumps and plays on the playground. She uses phrases like 'pretty obvious' (thanks to the second Harry Potter movie) and loves to climb. And, apparently, she likes grapefruit. Who would have imagined?

The years ahead are sure to be full of surprises and fun as my baby grows into a big girl!

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