Sunday, August 26, 2007

Thomas and Iain's summer

Thomas's big achievement this summer has been learning to swim. At the beginning of the summer, he refused to jump off the diving board wearing his swim ring. Now look at him! We have all enjoyed the pool this summer, but Thomas has discovered the water in a whole new way.

His other obsession of the summer:

Although it may not be obvious to all from this photo, Thomas is grinning because he's touching a Hummer. We even visited the local dealer in July as a treat. Fortunately we found that even the H2 only seats 6 people. I say fortunately, since we've been discussing the possibility of a car that would allow us to take along Aunt Sara and Uncle Cedric, for example, when they come for a visit: that would mean 7! So I was off the hook: Thomas is not agitating for us to buy a Hummer.
A post for today would be incomplete without a mention of Iain: he took three steps today. That's his longest journey to date, up from two steps yesterday and the day before. More on him , and pictures, in the days to come!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

surgery news

Anna's eye surgery will not take place this Friday, 24 August as planned. Her cardiologist thought it would be best to postpone the procedure until after the heart surgery. Both surgeries have been rescheduled. The heart surgery is likely to happen the 21st of September and the eye surgery 5 weeks later, on the 26th of October. We will keep you all updated.

Check back for news and photos in the next day or two!
