Saturday, November 22, 2014

November snow

What a surprise to find ourselves in the midst of a snowstorm when it was time for trick-or-treating on Halloween! That snow didn't last, but last Thursday's (13th of November) snow (which surprised everyone else here) is still around. I therefore learned to drive in snow the way that some people learn to swim: being chucked off the diving board in the deep end. I made it through without incident, though there were 144 traffic accidents in South Bend on that day.

I think we all prefer the colder, snowy conditions to the usual grey and rainy, just-above-freezing days that are so common through the late fall (autumn!) and winter months in County Durham. The kids found lots to do:

The weather this weekend will be more of what we'd expect back in England: cool (up to 52F) and rainy. What's left of the snow on our sledding hill will likely be gone by Monday.

But we're sure it will be back before too long.