Thursday, May 29, 2008

summer days

So far, the pool remains fairly inhospitable. But we manage to keep busy in the backyard, anyway. The crisp days of early spring have succumbed to the sticky, buggy afternoons that characterize summer in the South. Thomas and I are constantly disagreeing, therefore, about whether it is a "nice" day to play outside. He can take whatever the outdoors can dish out--winter cold, damp mornings, high humidity--but his Southern-California bred mother is not so versatile! Nonetheless, he usually wins, and I grab a cold drink and go out.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

summer begins

The last week of school was filled with activities: Thomas and Anna's classes had parties, and even Iain got in on the action!

Friday, May 16, 2008


On Monday, May 12th, 7 of the students in my intro to systematic theology class graduated. Tuesday, I finished grades for the rest of the class, and now I am catching up on everything else! I finished teaching and grading just in time: last night Anna and Thomas performed in their spring program at Coralwood. Thomas proved (once again) to be a natural performer. Anna, on the other hand, demonstrated her innate (and probably inherited) stage fright. She looked cute, but didn't participate much in the song and dance!