Thursday, March 20, 2008


Thomas shares with most four-year-old boys (I assume) an uncontrollable impulse to jump: on the bed, off the bed, from the coffee table onto the couch, on the couch, and just about anywhere else that seems promising. Also like his peer group, falls and bumped heads (or knees) are of no use as a deterrent.

So, here he is, doing what he loves to do. Thank goodness the weather is turning, and we can spend more time outside. Less jumping, more bike riding: at least when he's on the bike, he wears his helmet!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Iain gets a duck

Just watch the video.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

where's Iain?

The voice you hear is our practically-professional-photographer-babysitter, Catherine. Iain loves to play hide-and-seek (usually he wants me to hide) and peepo or peek-a-boo (depending on who his playmate is). Winter hasn't let go yet, but the days are more conducive for playing outside more frequently, and that's what the children all love to do. Lewis is already grilling, and wants to open the pool soon. First, however, he has to take down the Christmas lights!

Anna's big potty success this morning was doing the whole procedure on her own: Thomas came running down the hall enthusiastically shouting "Anna peed in the potty!" What an announcement! I can't count the number of times over the past 3 1/2 years that I have answered inquiries about potty training Anna with the remark that when Anna is ready, she'll do it. Not quickly, I am sure. But she's interested, she knows exactly what to do, and she can do it. Eventually we'll move from "training" to "trained"--in Anna's own time!