Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas eve

Advent has been a busy time, not entirely to do with the much-anticipated events of Christmas morning. Snow days and bad colds have kept me from all sorts of things I would ordinarily have done by now, like sending Christmas cards and making truffles. We managed to get a few cards sent, but hope that Epiphany cards will do just as well this year.

Iain appeared in not one but two Christmas plays this year, once as a shepherd and once as a king. He preferred being a king, I think, although he mostly sat and stared somewhat vacantly during the performance. Not until the children started dancing did he really liven up.

Most of the Christmas-related events at Anna's school were cancelled because of the snow. She made a lovely Mary, though, in the children's play at our carols service at church. Everyone seemed amazed at Anna's ability to sit still, given her habit of disappearing into the chaplaincy or (once, famously) out the gate.

Thomas also did his share of dancing in his school nativity play. There may be better photos of him in his multicolored shepherd's outfit, but here he is surrounded by angels.

Hope you are surrounded by angels this Christmas, and filled with all the joy these angels (and shepherd) displayed as they celebrated Christ's coming as only children can.

Happy Christmas to all!

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