The small Roman soldier with whom I am sparring is not, in fact, Thomas, but a friend's nephew. We spent one Saturday in September visiting Housesteads and Vindolanda. Housesteads is quite extensive, and ranges over a hilltop. Although the sun shone brightly, the wind blew pretty cold, and I was happy to descend again for a picnic lunch. Not quite having had our fill of Roman sites, we headed on to Vindolanda, which is still being excavated. There Thomas, Fergus, Iain and I staged some mock battles: I was the invading army. Mostly it involved a lot of running around to no particular purpose, which was good for all of us! Afterward, we went to Chesters--one of my favorite spots along the wall--for ice cream. (For information on Housesteads and Vindolanda, including photos of the sites, see http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/romans/hadrian_gallery.shtml.)
Eventually I will do more than run around and climb over ancient stones, and learn something about the history of the wall--when Thomas develops an interest in archaeology.
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