Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The days are getting shorter: when Anna, Iain and I first arrived in late June, the pre-dawn light began before 4:00am. A little over three months have elapsed, and the days have become much shorter very quickly. Soon the early light (about 7:30 am in the photo, I think) will not be early any more.

Anna and Thomas are enjoying school, and Iain likes his 'school' as well. We celebrated Anna's birthday in September, and she had a small party at school as well as cake and presents at home. Iain's birthday is next: he'll be 3 on Monday. (Three years old! I can't believe it!) Thomas finishes up our round of fall birthdays, turning 6 on the 12th.

By next year, we'll be up on the birthday-party customs, which seem to differ slightly here. For now, we're just all glad to be here, and settling into our various occupations. Teaching begins in the Department of Theology and Religion at the end of next week--finally! It seems we've been here an awfully long time now without having any students!

Look for birthday party pictures here in the days to come...

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