Saturday, March 12, 2011


Iain has decided he doesn't mind saying prayers. He's practically taken over saying grace at suppertime; he learned Thomas' school grace, and surprised us all one day by rattling it off. We thought he wasn't paying attention.

So prayers at bedtime involve more participation. Thomas tends to remember the big events: he's the first to pray for the people in areas of the world affected by earthquakes, floods, famine or drought, or political unrest. Iain is just the opposite, perhaps because he is only 4 and doesn't have current events brought to he attention at school. He asks God to bless his teachers and friends at school. 'Especially God bless my friend Alex', he said tonight, 'so that he doesn't get ill again'. He continued on, naming friends (including 'all the babies'), pausing occasionally in an effort to remember. 'God bless Poppy...God bless Samuel...God bless Sebastian....' and on he went, until he said 'God bless Rachel...'

He stopped suddenly and looked at me. 'Who's Rachel?' he asked.

I laughed. I have no idea how 'Rachel' got into his head. 'Is Rachel one of your students, mummy?' he asked. Fortunately, I do have a student named Rachel: problem solved.

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