Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mr Personality

When Iain was about three months old, our pediatrician in Atlanta commented on his attention-getting ability. Even in an infant car seat, Iain captivated an audience. 'Mr Personality', the doctor said. 'But then, if you're number three, you have to be, or you get parked in a corner'.

Tonight we sat after dinner, Iain on Lewis's lap, friends on either side, and listened to Iain talk. He had pretended to be a knight most of the day, protecting 'Queen Mummy' from the monsters, and inviting me to see the 'pond' in his room. (A round rug, actually, but that's Iain's imagination for you.) He kept us fairly well entertained, and clearly enjoyed having the floor.

And no, that picture wasn't taken today. We still have plenty of snow. But that's Iain, just being Iain.

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