Whatever it is, she had a lot of it this evening. She was especially resistant to hair-washing and teeth-brushing, and the boys were occupied downstairs, so after we had done her teeth, I asked her if she would like to help with mine. Delighted, she took the toothbrush in hand (an electric one) and gave my (front) teeth a good clean. She even sang bits of the little toothbrushing song I made up for them a couple of yeas ago. (Sung to the tune of 'Good King Wenceslas'--don't ask.) Then, since I had put her through the terrible ordeal of having her hair combed, I offered her mine. At first, I said, 'just comb the ends of the ponytail'. She immediately started at the crown, forcing me to take the ponytail out. Oh, well. So much for the boundaries. I knew that my hair would end up looking like I had stuck my finger in a light socket, but then I was only going to bed anyway.
Surprisingly gently, she combed a couple of sections of hair. After she had done a bit, I asked her how it looked.
'Nice,' she said. 'And tangly.'
1 comment:
Norm and I have been trying to get in touch with you.
Sorry we didn't travel to Atlanta before you left.
Hope to hear from you. Our e-mail is naf3130@msn.com
The children are so grown up!
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