My first discovery was that the Monsoon half-yearly sale brings people (mostly women, some children, and a few bored-looking men obviously there for their packhorse skills) out no matter what the weather. My second discovery was that whatever my style is--and I am not sure I have one--Monsoon doesn't carry it. For babies and girls, though, the clothes cannot be beat--expensive, but beautiful. By the time I found something I might buy, the line (sorry--the queue) was too long for me.
I headed on to my most important errand: buy some good walking shoes. I found myself in Cotswold, a store that looks like a smaller version of REI. I breathed a huge sigh of relief--home. Maybe there is somewhere to buy clothes, after all. Not only that, but I had a conversation with someone in the shop--two someones, actually. I made my third discovery of the morning, which was that there is a fitness culture
in Britain: the other customer looking at shoes told me about a sprint triathlon he was doing on Sunday. Unfortunately, even over here triathlons seem to involve bikes with skinny tires. Oh, well. It's not like I was going to start training today--it's just nice to know that it's out there, and it will be there when I get there, whenever that might be.
Anna and Iain had their last day of school on Friday; Thomas goes until Wednesday of next week. Then the summer stretches before us, without a pool, camp, or vacation Bible school.
We'll be exploring the local woods and having picnics whenever the weather permits. On rainy days, I see lots and lots of arts and crafts happening over the next 7 weeks. Mostly, we'll be missing our friends in Atlanta, and remembering fondly afternoons by our pool with everybody. Oh, and we'll be sending you all postcards. Lots of them.
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