Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It has begun: our belongings are making their way across the Atlantic now. We will follow in a couple of weeks, provided all the documents are in order. The house is nearly empty, and will soon be occupied by our renter! We were lucky to find an interested (and reliable friend) who was looking for a new place, and thought ours would do. 

Perhaps the big news of the day, however, is Anna's 2nd place finish in the 50m at the Special Olympics today. I wish I had been able to cheer her on in person. (Unfortunately it happened to be one of the few days on which I had another obligation: giving the final for my class!) We hope that she continues to enjoy Special Olympics events once we get settled on the other side of the Atlantic, and that we have the opportunity to share in the fun!

We do have a new address now, which I will happily send upon request. Eventually, we'll get around to sending out an official 'we're moving' email, most likely when it is in the past tense! It's all happening pretty quickly now!

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