Tuesday, August 19, 2008

week 2

School is in full swing, already. Anna loves her new teacher and enjoys spending time with her classmates as well as those in the pre-K class they visit. That pre-K class just happens to be Thomas's class! He is wild about school, although he hasn't come home shouting about any classmates in particular. I hope to spend some time observing their classes this week, so I will have more to report. 

Iain seems happy to be spending some solo time with Mommy, even though he does protest a bit when the bus carries Anna and Thomas off to school in the morning. We have time to read and play, and he is a great help (really) with little chores. Yesterday he thrilled me by putting away his trains when he was done playing. I heard him open and shut the drawer, then say, "all done trains." He came toddling (yes, he still toddles a bit--I will miss it one day!) to me, and when I looked back into the living room--the trains were put away! What an angel! So we had some bright blue playdoh--a brand new can--and a wonderful playtime making stars and moons and snakes. We even went for a Mommy and me swim. Ok, so maybe I am the one doing the lion's share of the enjoying, but he certainly isn't complaining.

Tomorrow, however, Iain will have time to play with somebody else: our long-lost babysitter, who has spent the past year in Germany, is coming to get reaquainted with the littlest one. Next week, he'll start back to 'school' at St Andrews, with the same teacher he had last year. Hopefully he will adjust well. Then again, maybe I am the one who will need to do the adjusting. After lots of time with the kids this summer, I am likely to have more trouble getting back to work than they'll have being back in school! Nevertheless, it must happen: writing projects languish, and students are about to appear! 

Fear not, however: I will get more recent pictures up before too long. I am still getting used to the new computer (an iMac--my first Mac since the 1990's). Eventually I will figure out how to use the cool movie-making software as well, and then I will have lots of fun to share. I wouldn't hold out for a DVD this Christmas, but I am trying!! 

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