Monday, November 17, 2008
Road trip!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
moving right along
Anna, Thomas and Iain have participated in various ways in some fall chores. Thomas and Anna help to put leaves we've raked into bags; Iain prefers to scatter them! The weather makes being outdoors especially pleasant, though I know it is bound to give way in a few weeks to the cold, wet days that mean more coloring and play-doh than bike riding and digging in the sand. So we seize these days, and try to make the most of them. I know all too well that next year we will have fewer cool and sunny days!
I have been busy with the camera, though I have yet (a) to get my computer to work with the printer--so there are no prints to be had; or (b) to start learning how to make DVD's with still pictures and video footage. I plan to sort our both of these things in time for lots of creative photo work for the holidays. I hope to have my children smiling out of a TV screen near you!
For the time being, I have posted some photos to my facebook page; click the links to see the albums:
Anna poses; change of seasons; and more fall photos.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
fall photos
Saturday, October 18, 2008
this and that
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Anna goes to the dentist
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Fall photos
Iain's birthday

Monday, September 15, 2008
Anna's birthday
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
week 2
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
school starts
Lewis and I have also moved--into the new building that will house the Candler School of Theology at Emory. This does mean that we'll have two office moves in two years! After the super-shiny newness of the not-yet-completed building at Emory, Lewis expects to find the shift to an old, old building (Abbey House at the University of Durham, the home of the department of Theology and Religious Studies) a welcome change of environs. I suppose it comes from all the work on late ancient theology!
And so we begin the academic year that will culminate in our Big Move. As much as we try to keep in it perspective, it looms. For now, though, we are busy enough getting Anna and Thomas ready and to school, keeping Iain amused in their absence (which he hates!) and preparing to teach in September. That--and those writing projects in which we are both engaged--is certainly enough to remind us daily to let each day's trouble be enough for the day!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
summer winds down
Soon, I will have the latest photos linked; my computer has crashed, and I am waiting on the new one to arrive. For now, I am separated from my hard drive and from facebook, both of which I need in order to post those photos! What won't show up in the photos: Iain's rapidly expanding vocabulary, Anna's enthusiasm about the start of school, and Thomas's obsession with all things related to Peter Pan. Lately, that's been their favorite movie--that, and Cars. Iain has learned much younger than his siblings how to follow the plot of a movie, or at least to learn the names of the characters and grasp the smaller chunks: his favorite scene in the Cars movie is the tractor tipping scene. This has inspired his interest in combine harvesters. Yes, he says, 'combine harvester,' though you probably wouldn't catch it if you didn't know in advance that was what he was trying to say.
Our lives have all been touched recently by the loss of a neighbor. His sudden and unexpected passing has left us a little bit unsettled: not to see him out gardening or tending his pool is odd after all the years we have lived here. Several of the houses near us have turned over once or twice since we moved here in 2001, and he and his wife were among the original crowd. We will miss him.
There will be photos soon. Really. Maybe even some of the first day of school, if I don't have a new computer before then!!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
new links
Also, I have posted pictures of our trip to Tybee Island:
I hope you enjoy them!
Friday, July 25, 2008
We have just finished a week of vacation Bible school at our local parish. The kids have had fun, and I served as floater and photographer for the week.
Next week, we begin a two-week stretch of time at home before school starts August 11. It's hard to believe that the summer vacation is nearly over. Iain will be back in mother's morning out this year, starting in late August, and Lewis and I begin teaching just after Labor Day. We will continue to enjoy the pool as long as it is warm enough to splash and play.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The weather was mostly gorgeous, that is, if you like temperatures in the upper 50's and low 60's, and you don't mind a little rain. I was delighted to wear jeans in July, an unthinkable notion in Atlanta, but perfect for Durham last week. This week, the weather is supposed to be warmer (up into the 80's): I am just as glad to have missed it! We will enjoy a final academic year here in Atlanta before relocating late spring of 2009. And we will keep you posted. Really.
Monday, June 30, 2008
june winds down
Saturday, June 28:
Sunday, June 29:
Sunday, June 22, 2008
more summer fun
Although we don't get an enormous amount of rain in the summer in Atlanta, we still have to occupy ourselves indoors from time to time. One of the kids' favorite activities is coloring. I buy huge rolls of butcher paper and cover our dining room table--which is about 7 feet long and 3 feet wide, and incredibly sturdy. (I should add that it was handmade by my father-in-law out of English oak for a wedding present.) All three of the children absolutely love to go wild with markers, crayons, or paint (on the rare occasion I am prepared for the mess: that's a third-rainy-day-in-a-row activity).
Thomas, as indicated in the video clip, has grown quite creative and elaborate with his drawing. My favorite is the new breed of spider he's invented, called the eckword spider. Apparently the unit on insects (including spiders, I guess--these are 3- and 4-year-olds, after all) near the end of the school year really stuck. He also draws a pretty good ladybug, with rather a lot of spots. And he is always very careful to draw 6 legs on the insects and 8 on the spiders. The creation in the clip features people rather than bugs, and showcases his developing ability to add narrative to the pictures.
Anna, too, was impressed by the 'bugs' unit, and she has started drawing bugs as well. A couple of days ago, she drew a bug, and when I asked her about it, she told me it was sad. The reason for its sadness remains unclear; the only other thing I could ascertain about the bug was 'it has legs.' Fair enough. Yesterday she was more specific: when Lewis asked whether she'd drawn a bug, she replied that it was an ant. I may include the picture at some future date. Iain still mostly scribbles, but is most keen on writing letters: i and o are particular favorites. Not, of course, that he actually writes those letters in any recognizable fashion. But he says them as he scribbles.
We find other things to do, like playing peek-a-boo (see below: Anna and Iain were having a great time hiding under blankets) and building with legos--a perennial favorite. Still, nearly every day we swim, and Anna and Thomas are gaining strength and confidence in the pool. Before long, we'll see Thomas jump off the diving board, I am sure. Maybe I will catch that on film--one can only hope.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Anna dresses up

Saturday, June 14, 2008
poolside fun

Anna and Thomas are busy working on coordinating arms and legs for swimming, while Iain experiments with various swim accessories. He would not be satisfied, for example, until he had Anna's goggles on, just the way she wears them!
Unusually hot days had the pool temperature up well above its usual 75-ish, until an inch of rain fell a couple of nights ago! Still, the sunny afternoons make perfect pool weather, and we are enjoying the pool now in a way we haven't until the beginning of July.
Iain's vocabulary grows rapidly--we can hardly keep up with the words he's learning. My favorite is still 'bulldozer', which he pronounces boo-do-do. Just the sort of toddlerish that Anna and Thomas never really spoke. Thomas spoke not a word at 18 months, and by 22 months could spell his name. Anna, of course, has a language development pattern entirely her own. Thomas' most recent language invention, while I am on the topic, was the word 'mox': it is 'a mommy fox', of course!
Monday, June 9, 2008
June days
Monday, June 2, 2008
sunny almost-summer days

Thursday, May 29, 2008
summer days

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008
So, here he is, doing what he loves to do.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
where's Iain?
The voice you hear is our practically-professional-photographer-babysitter, Catherine. Iain loves to play hide-and-seek (usually he wants me to hide) and peepo or peek-a-boo (depending on who his playmate is). Winter hasn't let go yet, but the days are more conducive for playing outside more frequently, and that's what the children all love to do. Lewis is already grilling, and wants to open the pool soon. First, however, he has to take down the Christmas lights!
Anna's big potty success this morning was doing the whole procedure on her own: Thomas came running down the hall enthusiastically shouting "Anna peed in the potty!" What an announcement! I can't count the number of times over the past 3 1/2 years that I have answered inquiries about potty training Anna with the remark that when Anna is ready, she'll do it. Not quickly, I am sure. But she's interested, she knows exactly what to do, and she can do it. Eventually we'll move from "training" to "trained"--in Anna's own time!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
days in the sun
Monday, February 18, 2008
Anna jumps

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Potty training success
It has also been proved that Anna has heard all I have said about 'when you use the potty': I have promised her virtually anything she asks for. Soon after her Great Success, she looked at me and said, 'I want to watch Grinch.' She loved it more than anything over Christmas, and it took some convincing to get her to give it up in January so we could send it back to Netflix. Fortunately, our neighbors have a copy: Anna got her wish. She and her brothers got to watch 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' on the eve of St Valentine's day.
This is a big milestone for Anna, and we hope that it signals the beginning of an interest in potty training. We certainly made a Big Deal about it for her, and Thomas was as excited as we were. He is a fantastic (developmentally 'older') brother when he wants to be. Of course we are not holding our breath for a speedy move to big girl underwear: like everything else with Anna, this will take time. Probably lots of time! If only I had a photo of the pleased look she had when everyone was cheering: it was priceless. Maybe next time....
Anna scoots!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Iain's days of discovery
Anna's eyes are healing well, and much less bloodshot now. No crossing! So hopefully we'll have smooth sailing for a little while (knock on wood!).
Sunday, January 27, 2008
snow, and more
Everybody enjoyed the snow! Iain experienced some frustration with his little mitts--he had such difficulty picking up the small shovel everytime he dropped it! Thomas threw his first snowballs, mostly at me, and was disappointed that there wasn't really enough snow to build a snowman. He announced this morning that he wished we lived in England. We were surprised by this revelation (since Thomas has never been to England); when pressed, he admitted tha the wanted to play in the snow as he had seen his favorite animated English characters (Kipper and Tiger, if these names are familiar to you) do. We'll wait and see.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
post-op news
I expect that by the end of the weekend I will have pictures of the kids playing in the snow: it has just begun to fall!