Iain's favorite foods: yogurt, and anything he can feed himself. Hence his delight in a very ordinary meal. Smallish bits of fettucine turned out to be just the thing. Of course, his brother and sister are the pickiest eaters in the world and would have none of it. We hope that Iain's attitude toward food evolves differently than theirs did. They would eat most things as babies, too.
Apparently the pasta gave him the energy boost he needed to start walking in earnest, which he did this evening. For the first time he took the hands offered to him and crossed the floor, laughing all the way. He was certainly pleased with himself! His biggest adventure so far has been walking from the couch to the TV, so we're not signing him up for the next 10k.If I were giving each child his or her turn, it would be Thomas's turn for news. It just so happened, though, that Iain had the Big Events today. Thomas's milestones are farther between, now, and many of them look small: he can just about say a "th" sound instead of the "f" we usually hear in names like Bethany and Catherine. (Somehow we managed two babysitters with that sound...) Besides his obsession with hummers, he is all about construction. We frequently hear that he's laying concrete, painting and making foundations. This all comes, I think, of having a new cul-de-sac of houses under construction in the neighborhood.
Next time it will be pictures from Anna's birthday party, barring any huge events between now and Saturday!
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