Sunday, September 30, 2007
Latest news
Friday, September 28, 2007
Anna is home

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Anna goes for a ride
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Anna's recovery
Monday, September 24, 2007
Anna's surgery 3
Anna in surgery
Friday, September 21, 2007
New surgery date
We will keep you updated! Thanks to all for your concern and prayers.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
pre-op news and notes
Anna enjoyed playing with the toys and talking to people in the pre-op clinic, but was not especially keen on having vital signs checked. And drawing blood--well, who enjoys having blood drawn? Fortunately both Lewis and I were there for that, since Anna needed one parent who wouldn't pass out! But after it was over and I picked her up, the first thing she said was "I need DAD!" It is all over now, and she won't have to repeat any of it even if her surgery isn't until late next week or even early the week after. Whew!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
After the party

Anna's birthday
Anna had a great birthday! She had just a few friends over, to play and swim, and to eat cake, of course. Quite possibly her favorite present was a copy of Dr. Seuss' Sleep Book. Both Anna and Thomas love the storybook and video versions. But our copy was twenty years old at least, and in a very worn book with lots of other stories in it. So a fresh, new copy was just the thing. the weekend was fun for all, and even involved Iain in some very messy cupcake-eating. (Photos to follow...)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Iain's big day

Iain's favorite foods: yogurt, and anything he can feed himself. Hence his delight in a very ordinary meal. Smallish bits of fettucine turned out to be just the thing. Of course, his brother and sister are the pickiest eaters in the world and would have none of it. We hope that Iain's attitude toward food evolves differently than theirs did. They would eat most things as babies, too.
Apparently the pasta gave him the energy boost he needed to start walking in earnest, which he did this evening. For the first time he took the hands offered to him and crossed the floor, laughing all the way. He was certainly pleased with himself! His biggest adventure so far has been walking from the couch to the TV, so we're not signing him up for the next 10k.If I were giving each child his or her turn, it would be Thomas's turn for news. It just so happened, though, that Iain had the Big Events today. Thomas's milestones are farther between, now, and many of them look small: he can just about say a "th" sound instead of the "f" we usually hear in names like Bethany and Catherine. (Somehow we managed two babysitters with that sound...) Besides his obsession with hummers, he is all about construction. We frequently hear that he's laying concrete, painting and making foundations. This all comes, I think, of having a new cul-de-sac of houses under construction in the neighborhood.
Next time it will be pictures from Anna's birthday party, barring any huge events between now and Saturday!
Friday, September 7, 2007

Anna is still far more likely to be sporting her swim goggles (which, incidentally are pink, not the blue ones pictured) poolside than diving for treasure in the shallow end with Thomas. Still, she enjoys the combination of splashing and dress-up that is the essence of goggle-wearing for her. Thomas and Anna continue to play in the pool most afternoons, although the water temperature has dropped to the upper 70's. Chilly! We will keep the pool open until after Iain's birthday, but swimming will stop well before that.
Anna's heart surgery is going ahead as scheduled, barring illness or fever in the days preceding the surgery. Her pre-op appointment is on Thursday the 20th, and her first meeting will be with the Child Life department. She will tour the hospital with someone trained in helping little ones know what to expect on surgery day. We hope that this experience will help prepare her for the waiting and getting ready for surgery on Friday. The good news, as far as she's concerned, will be that she will be allowed as much TV as she wants that day!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Mr Personality

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
everyday stuff...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007