While it may be true that no news is good news, it's not exactly so in this case. Not that the news is bad, but that 'no news' is a failure on the part of the reporter rather than the absence of news.
The news--now no longer so very new--is that we are on the move again. This time it is a temporary move, to South Bend, IN, where Lewis will be a
resident fellow at Notre Dame's Institute for Advanced Study. We'll see how we weather the midwest winter, and discover the true meaning of those three little words we associate with the area: lake effect snow. Any complaints about the inclemency of NE England's winter will be forgotten by Christmas, I imagine.
In the US, we'll have plenty of other new experiences as well. Anna will discover the joys and tribulations of middle school, as a pupil in the special ed section. We hope that interacting with typically developing peers at school will be a good experience for her. Lucy starts preschool in September, having turned 3 (I can't believe it!) in May. Thomas, Iain, and I will embark on a very different kind of adventure, as we try homeschooling. The hope is that we can keep the boys basically on track to rejoin their year groups next May.

Lucy enjoyed her birthday celebrations, of which there were a few: presents in the morning (above), cake with her godmother on the day (right), and a lovely sweater from grandma (below). Being three hasn't diminished the cuteness, but the mischief factor seems to be increasing steadily. The naughty step has a new occupant, and Lucy is good at finding ways to get herself put there! Nothing out of the ordinary, though--and getting into stuff might be naughty, but it shows a healthy intelligence and curiosity, as well as a growing independence.
Next birthday, we'll be in Indiana, hopefully enjoying a warm spring. When we do return to the UK, we'll have a new address as well--and I will have a different job. I've given up my post and will return as a research fellow: less teaching, more writing.
We'll be sad to say goodbye to our little corner of the northeast, even if it isn't forever. It is a beautiful part of the world, and I will miss the gently rolling hills and the sheep I see on my way to work.
I promise to be more regular in updating this blog--lots will be happening. So although I may fail to report sometimes, that doesn't mean there isn't any news!