Anna enjoyed being a fairy princess. A pink, frilly costume was just the thing for her. She liked the whole event--dressing up, saying, "Trick or treat!" and collecting candy. So far she has not shown much interest in eating the candy, which is probably just as well. Even after it was offered, she asked for more pretzels. One day that will change, and then I will long for the pre-candy days. I'll enjoy this while it lasts--and try not to eat too much of the candy myself. (Iain has discovered he likes Three Musketeers bars--but he isn't likely to get many of them!)
Thomas will not be of any help with the candy-eating, although he probably enjoyed Halloween even more than Anna. He chose his fire-fighter costume with glee, and Saturday he went to a costume party at a friend's. By Wednesday he was fully prepared for every aspect of the holiday. He frequently said, "I'm so excited!" And so he was. He happily trotted up to the few houses we visited, and announced, "Trick or treat!" Even while amassing his candy, however, he admitted he didn't really like it. But he wanted to make sure he got some all the same. I guess for him full participation in Halloween rites doesn't involve actually eating the candy. His fourteen M&M's, which he counted proudly at the dinnertable tonight, still sit there long after he's gone to bed! He unfortunately removed his costume before I got to him with the camera. But since he still wants to wear it, I will most likely get a photo in the next week or so!
Between October the 19th and today, we've been going non-stop. I have focused my writing on the projects at hand and scribbling teaching notes. Despite my best intentions, there just hasn't been time to blog--or much time to take photos of the kids, for that matter. It is certainly the case, though, that no news is good news as far as Anna is concerned. She continues to improve, and will return to her usual schedule (which means leaving on the bus before 7:00am) Monday. Her eye surgery has been postponed until the 14th of December. While she may have been physically recovered enough to undergo surgery last Friday, we felt that it would have been too much emotionally and psychologically. Recovery from the surgery she will have (to correct a lazy eye) is generally quick, and Anna should not miss more than a day of school. The surgery will be on a Friday, and, if all goes as expected, she should be back to school the next Monday.
But there will certainly be photos and news aplenty between now and then.